The Future  for Queensland Small Scale Miners and  downstream processors?

There are several Regional Communities, State-wide, increasingly reliant upon economic stimulus derived from gemstone mining production, processing & retail sales.

Federal, State and Local Government must provide and support the means upon which the full potential of Small Scale Mining Industries can be realised, providing the basis for vibrant communities and viable small businesses, encouraging and promoting tourism.

Our region's mining communities cannot survive under the current mining legislative and land restrictions.

Small Scale Mining  operations are generally  working families and/or  partnerships, self-operated by Australians, supporting downstream processors like gold refiners, gem-cutters, jewellers, wholesalers, retailers and exporters, frequently value adding within Australia to gold and these unique gems!

With the advent of internet, many miners now sell direct to the world, with internet sales now an essential marketing tool, in particular given the onset of the economic and other restrictions bought about by COVID 19 !

No other mining industry deserves greater support, than our own born and bred workers, who just want a fair go, and the right to contribute to the community and the economy, supporting small businesses, in order to keep Regional Government facilities, agencies and infrastructure, within the Region.

In today’s climate, there are onerous and challenging legislative obligations, and our work place, will never, and should never, return to the past, but as we go forward, there needs to be changes to legislation and policy, which can provide an "equitable and just", mining environment.

The future of our communities now totally depends upon the Governments' level of support for change, and will continue to further decline, unless support is given to these historic  industries as the impact's through "off shore" competitiveness  and " International online purchases"  for gems and jewellery will continue to exclude regional  and local Australian businesses.

The QSMC and our members are certain that all Governments and State agencies would be prouder of assisting Small Scale Miners on the path of realizing the full potential of their mining industries, rather than being remembered for their participation in destroying it!

Nothing is set in stone!

History is still to be written!

Make your role part of the solution!

We need your help!

The QSMC would like to provide you the opportunity to have your say on the Proposed Legislative changes for Mining Claims.

Have your Say on
Legislative Proposals for
Mining Claims